Environment-aware Motion Graphs


The creation of plausible human animation remains a perennial problem in computer graphics. To construct long animations it is common to stitch together a sequence of motions from a motion database. Typically, this is done in two stages: planning a route and then sampling motions from the database to follow that route. We introduce an environment-aware motion sampling technique that combines the planning and sampling stages. Our observation is that in the traditional approach the route generated in the first stage over-constrains the motion sampling so that it is relatively implausible that a human would follow this animation. We combine the motion sampling and planning and show that we can find shorter and more plausible animations.


  • Je-Ren Chen and Anthony Steed. 2011. Planning Plausible Human Animation with Environment-aware Motion Sampling. In Proceedings of the Fourth international conference on Motion in games (MIG’11), Jan M. Allbeck and Petros Faloutsos (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 51-62.

Motion Dataset

The motion capture data used in the experiments in this research is obtained from the CMU Motion Capture Database. They are re-sampled to 30 frames-per-second. Here is the complete list:

Subject_Trial Frames Motion Description
16_11 134 Walk, veer left
16_12 111 Walk, veer left
16_13 111 Walk, veer right
16_14 119 Walk, veer right
16_18 130 Walk, 90-degree left turn
16_19 103 Walk, 90-degree right turn
16_31 106 Walk (from stop)
16_34 87 Slow walk, stop
16_47 104 Walk (in a straight line)
16_58 86 Walk (in a straight line)
Total 1091  

