RhyCAP (Rhythmic Character Animation Playacting) is a procedural character animation system that generates interactive Chinese lion dance animation using high-level controls such as tempo, exaggeration, and timing.
- Tsai-Yen Li and Je-Ren Chen. 2006. Procedural rhythmic character animation: an interactive Chinese lion dance: Research Articles. ”Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds” 17, 5 (December 2006), 551-564.
- Je-Ren Chen and Tsai-Yen Li. 2005. Rhythmic Character Animation: Interactive Chinese Lion Dance. In ”Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents”, Hong Kong, PRC.
- Je-Ren Chen and Tsai-Yen Li. 2005. Rhythmic character animation: interactive Chinese lion dance. In ”ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches” (SIGGRAPH ’05), Los Angeles, USA.